What Happens When you Swallow a Brick of Dry Ice????

Dry ice is one of the coldest substances on earth. I just freezes everything. Now what would it do to your skin? How much could you eat it before it starts hurting you?

And how would it affect your stomach?

If you want to know answers to all these questions than you are at right place. Because this article is dedicated to What Happens when you swallow a brick of dry ice? 

So here is What Happens when you eat a brick of dry ice.

Dry ice is a solid form of Carbon dioxide and it is as cold as -78⁰ degrees. Yeah it is true that people eat this stuff as it is an ingredient in cocktails, ice creams, but it is only safe in tiny doses. So now instead of being mixed with other foods, What Happen if you ate an entire brick alone of dry ice? 

Firstly, How could you get it? So, the answer is you could but it easily and also can make it on your own. Dry Ice comes from Carbon dioxide gas that gas can be -56⁰degrees cold but to become dry ice it needs to be even colder. So, to make it cooler it needs to be pressurized and cooled. When it is released back to the normal atmospheric pressure it forms liquid carbon dioxide.Now liquid is injected to a block press which converts liquid into solid. So now we have our Dry ice finally. What is next now?

Now since you have got a brick of dry ice, before you put it in your mouth try to touch it with your finger and see that your finger will turn red with a prickling sensation to it. So, if you pick up dry ice with your hands your skin cells will start to freeze and die. If you hold it for any longer, Your skin will turn blue and grey and eventually you would lose all sensation in your hands. Now after learning that what it does to your body you still want to check What Happens when you eat it?

Are you serious??

Are you really wans to learn it ? ???

Okay so, the moment you swallow dry ice you will feel same sensation to your mouth as you did feel in your hands. Your tongue and mouth tissue will begin to sting and will become incredibly numb. And your teeth ohhh yes teeth, you know how you feel when you eat ice cream? Now Imagine that but much much worse. Your entire mouth will be frozen in matter of seconds. The longer you keep it, the worse it gets. You will eventually lose feelings in your mouth forever.

And What Happens when you swallow it?

So when it gets to your stomach it will heat up and will turn into a gas as dry ice doesn't become liquid on heat up but turns a gas hence its name is dry ice. Now as you have gas in your stomach you will start to feel bloated, feel a sharp pain, and also don't forget to see frost bite on your stomach linings.

You will also burp some of the gas out relieving some pressure, but if you continued to eat dry ice the pressure from the dry ice will continue to build. Your stomach will continue to expand and gets harder and as the pressure continued, surely your stomach would rupture. At this point you would feel severe pain abd vomitting and if you didn't get to the hospital immediately you will die. 

So please don't try eating dry ice at home.

Lets just keep dry ice to cool party drinks

and keep it as something you occasionally see in your ice creams.

For more interesting writings like this Stay in touch to What Happens Blogs. 

It us difinitely something we don't wana eat.



  1. DO NOT swallow dry ice. If you want to get the effect of steam coming out of your mouth, you can put a small piece of dry ice in your mouth and it will cause moisture in your breath to condense into "fog" like cold air will do in the winter. It is imposrtant to keep the piece of dry ice moving in your mouth. If it is left incontact with skin or the mucous membranes in your mouth for more than a second or two, it will cause frost bite severe enough to kill your tissues and you will have "burns" that will take a while to heal. Always wear gloves when handling the dry ice and never put more than one small piece of dry ice in your mouth at once. Actually, even one small piece can cause a lot of damage in your mouth if you don't know what you are doing.


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