What Happens If oxygen doubled in our environment? ???
What Happens if Oxygen Doubled in our Environment?
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The doubled amount of Oxygen in Air would make it Fresh just like Jurassic Times. |
Oxygen is little yet so important part of our very atmosphere. We keep on breathing the oxygen during all day and night. We breath it when we are asleep. An average human inhales and exhales 11,000 liters of air per day. We breath 22,000 times a day. So, this huge amount of oxygen and our very breathing keeps us alive and kicking through the years, as we live our lives.
We have 21% Oxygen and 78% of Nitrogen in our atmosphere. Though its clear that Oxygen is not present in great amount but still it is so important for this planet due to many reasons. Oxygen is the very reason that life is possible on this planet. There is 88.89% mass percent Oxygen with 11.11% mass percent Hydrogen in our waters. Just like humans and animals who breath oxygen for cellular respiration the marine life also breath oxygen. Our entire planet sustain life just because of this very gas called Oxygen. We humans get 90% of our energy from Oxygen and remaining from food and water. Not only humans but all forms of earthly lives depend on the Oxygen.
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Insects would Grow Gigantic as climate would change with Increased Oxygen. |
So, what happens if we double oxygen in our environment?
Firstly, you would be seeing giant bugs in our surroundings if we double oxygen. The insects breath through their tiny tubes called as trachea and if oxygen is doubled, they would off course get more of it and would grow larger and stronger. So, cockroaches and spiders would be larger then today. This can potentially cause a lot of issues for humans, who would then have to face bigger insects. As hundreds of millions years ago when oxygen was much higher then today, the insects were much much bigger in those times.
So, if we double the oxygen today, that is hypothetically more then those times, surely our insects would be even more larger. Though these thoughts may scare you, but don't be scared as with higher levels of oxygen present in our environment, there would be more energy in humans and they would be able to overpower these giant insects.
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Breathing in Increased Oxygen would have a age reversal effects on your body. |
Having more oxygen in our environment would have a great range of affects on human body. The presence of doubled oxygen would decrease stress and increase calm in human body. As when you would breath more oxygen it would enter our blood streams and eventually communicate with brain to relax. Breathing more amount of oxygen would also increase your body's endorphines "Feel good" hormones. The presence of more oxygen would make our blood even more oxygenated. As oxygenated blood absorbs vitamins and nutrients more efficiently so this would improve our over all immune system. Breathing doubled oxygen in your atmosphere would also lowers your blood pressure and would improve your digestion. Having more oxygen inhaled, surely, your body would have more cleaner blood and this would make difficult for any illness to stay put in your system. Also, the increased Oxygen would also increase your energy. The more oxygen in our blood the better your body would performs. It would also increases your stamina. So, you would feel like a wonder women or an iron man. You would be having a lot of energy and better performing body then the previous one with lesser oxygen.
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Increased Oxygen can cause Oxygen toxicity. |
You must be rejoicing at this point learning about all the bright side. But hey, hold on, not all the things will go better with increased oxygen. It has a bad side as well. You may get long-term health problems by doubling the amount of oxygen in our environment.
For example, you may get oxygen toxicity which may lead to damaged lungs, poor eyesight, and cells would be unable to reproduce.
The intake of doubled oxygen may also create free radicals in your body. These electrons look for other electrons that they can pair too, so if this happens, you would surely get your body and DNA damaged.
So, now you have understood that doubled oxygen is not so good for humanity despite having superficial benefits.
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Bushfires/Wildfires in such Environmental Change would be common occurrence. |
Our earth has forests, grasslands, pampas, wet vegetations and a lot of greenery filled areas. Which gives us relaxation, tranquility of nature, and satisfying views. But with the doubled oxygen, off course, they would get fire more often. I hope you have heard of Australian bush fires of 2020 known as Black Summer, Turkish wildfires of 2021, or Greek forest fires of 2021, now just expect more of them happening all around world. With doubled Oxygen it would be so easy for anything to catch fire. Even wet forests would catch fire.
With the Oxygen doubled, it doesn't only change our balance of air but also it would change the combination of our very surface. As we know there is 45% oxygen in our earth crust, in case this oxygen is doubled, our planet as a whole would have more mass. Earth crust would become heavier, our lithosphere would be more heavier then our very atmosphere.
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Our Water would Turn Hydrogen Peroxide due to this Climatic Change rather than H2O. |
This higher amount of oxygen in our atmosphere would oxidize any thing around us including larger water bodies, causing the H2O to turn Hydrogen Peroxide. This means that all the drinkable water bodies would now be larger pools of hydrogen Peroxide. And we would be drinking our glasses full of it than water. Drinking Hydrogen Peroxide has many side effects. It would cause you gut irritation and perforation. It would cause you breathing problems and even death. The severity of these side effects only depends on the amount of hydrogen Peroxide consumed. So, if that happens, you should be quick to call immediate medical assistance from your nearest hospital emergency room. Otherwise, these side effects would potentially lead you to your coffin. And that is not what you must be looking for.
A valuable advise would be, Just avoid drinking hydrogen peroxide.
But living on an earth with doubled amount of oxygen you can not avoid that because we need to drink water everyday and without it, we just can not stay alive.
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Trekking Mountains would be an Easy Job in such Climatic Change with More Oxygen. |
This turn in our environment by doubling the amount Oxygen would be great news for mountaineers. off course, all those who dream to be at the top of the mount Everest or Mouth Godwin Austin would surely now be able to fulfill their dreams. As now they would not be carrying massive oxygen tanks while climbing up the mountains. The Trekking to the top of the mountains would be very easy. As there would be presence of huge even more then needed oxygen there already. Though this sounds so fanciful and rejoicing at first but in the long run it would destroy our beautiful landscapes of snow filled mountains. As soon mountains turn habitable zone and plants along with animals wold be thriving there, this would destroy these natural formations,soil quality, and would reduce the ice cover over the mountains.
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Birds would Fly easily in such Climatic Change. |
With more then needed Oxygen would indeed change our Climate. This Climate change would make it even easier for our birds to fly. The increased Oxygen would increase our air density, that would make our birds, parachutes, balloons, gliders, aeroplanes, to fly higher and stay up in the air for longer periods. The more amount of Oxygen would make our sky look more bluer by scattering the sunlight. It would also decrease our air temperatures.
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Our Environment is balanced and any change would can be dangerous. |
So, now you know what happens if we doubled the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere. How beautiful it is for birds and fascinating for climbing mountains and how dangerous it is for life on earth as it causes diseases and ultimately leads to death. For humanity to live and thrive on planet earth, our current concentration of oxygen in our air is suitable. And for now, you should not worry and take a sigh of relief. Since there is only 21% oxygen in our atmosphere and we are doing very well with it. Our earth is beautiful with all the charm of greenery in it. Life is balanced and all is going good because we have a healthy amount of oxygen in our air.
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