What Happens if Earth was as Big as the Sun? ???

What Happens if Earth was as Big as the Sun? ???

Imagine the earth is sun-sized and our trees are falling, ecosystem is collaspsing, our infrasturcture is crumbling, crops are failing, and water is scarce.

Our earth is just in chaos and going wild.

But it has a bright side as well, that buying property would be much cheaper, but who would think about property when they can't leave their home or even room. When they can't just breath.

So, this is what happens if earth was as big as sun. And here you are going to get all the valuable information about this epic scientific scenario, all you have to do is just to stick to the article.

Everyone knows that sun is bigger as compare to our tiny earth. It looks so gigantic in our day skies even from 150 million kilometers away. Now just imagine if you were standing next to it? You would feel the heat or it would burn you to crisp, well yeay you are right, its so hot and we can't even think of going an inch closer to it, forget about standing closer to it.

The sun accounts for 98% of total mass of our solar system. And if we compare it to densest planet, our own very planet as known as earth, the sun is million times more massive.

It will roughly take 1,300,000 earths to fill up the entire sun. It tells us again that how mammoth is sun, that huge number of  earths are needed to make just one sun. 

But what would happen if it takes only one earth equivalent to sun?

What would happen if earth was as big as sun?

What would life be like on a sun-sized earth?

Well, earth would be a thoroughly different place if it was same the size of our sun. Imagine the whole topography is being stretched out. Our continents would have enough space to give it to crowded and overpopulated areas. That would indeed give us relief. And having a piece of land would be so huge and would earn you good on a sun-sized earth then today's one.

But we should also understand that every water body on earth would now have more area to cover then it does today. And this means that our rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas would turn shallower. Which is not a good news for life on planet. As shallower water bodies would be more vulnerable to evaporation and potentially drying out. Also, this will impact the very marine life as many sea creatures require a colder sea environment to live and thrive. But exposed to sun in shallower waters would heat the water bodies up and this would endanger those sea lives who rely on cold temperature. 

The lakes are located in jungles not only gives us spectacular views and soothing sights to our eyes but also has a more pivotal part to play for the very ecosystem of the jungles. These lakes feeds many land animals, who drink water from them by coming out from their very niches in jungles, would now have to change their locations or would have to travel far away to get fresh water. For example, as the shallower lakes would dry up, the deers, rhinos, lions, elephants, and all the land animals would have no water to quench their thirst in the jungles of Africa or Soth America. They would have to relocate themselves. This relocation or travelling to farther away water bodies would put their lives on risk. 

Coming to the conditions of humans on an earth as giant as sun, well they would be also be negatively impacted. The human would fight each other on the availability of water as it would go so scarce. Apart from that, our crops which we grow within our soil with the help of water would also turn rare too. Crops need certain amount of soil and nutrients they need to grow but if earth is as big as sun then our soil would also be stretched out. The lesser the soil the lesser would be food. But the demand for food would remain same. This would cause massive chaos in humans living on such bigger earth.

Without water, everything, every food item would go rare either or its prices would touch the skies. There would be huge lines to our supermarkets and people would be rushing to fill up their bags with all the canned and packed foods along with water cans to live their lives. This would cause chaotic scenes on the highways, where everyone would be in hurry rushing to some sort of food and water areas to accumulate some items that he could use later. This would cause disruption in traffic and there would be millions of cars and mammoth traffic jams on roads. People would look so frantic, panic, wild, and chaotic since every one knows water is essential to life so all would hurry up accumulating it.

The diseased people at hospitals would have to face this chaotic conditions and many would die due to fact that even doctors would leave them in and heed towards collecting water and food.

There is also another issue that is not given attention yet in this write up, that is, if our earth is turned as bigger and massive as sun off course it would jeopardize our survival and would disrupt the entire solar system. As it will then have a lot more gravitational pull then it has now. The earth in that case would have 28 times more gravity then it is having now. As our solar system now moves so great only because sun is super massive and its gravitational pull is so great that it keeps other planets into its orbits. The sun currently have have 98% mass of our entire solar system. But if we make earth as massive as sun then both would have 49% mass our entire solar system.

Would this return in some kind of binary system where sun and earth would orbit each other? 

How would this effect the orbits of other planets of our solar system?

And a significantly greater gravitational pull means earth would get hit by a lot more asteroids? 

Well, there is a lot more to worry then the very asteroids hitting our earth and damaging our earth. If earth is as bigger as sun, surely the satellites which keeps us going by keeping our internet alive. The satellites keep our television and other communications working. It is only possible because of satellites that, we locate each other at the times of crises. But in case earth turns bigger as sun then these very satellites would crash into our grounds. The buildings, bridges, other mega structures would also collapse and would be down into ruins because of increased gravitational pressure. 

Humans would be probably heavier and would be unable to walk anywhere, For example, if you weigh 50 kilograms now then on sun sized earth you would feel you weigh 1400 of kilograms. Though times turns slower when gravity increases so you may live longer life. But that life would be painful, hard, and difficult where you have to stay on your bed for rest of your life. Your life would turn so hard on an sun-sized earth then it is on a earth-sized earth on which we are living on now.

But hey relax, have a deep breath of 21% oxygen present in our atmosphere and chill. Earth is not going to get as bigger as sun ever. Even it is shrinking due the several hundreds of tons of mass we are loosing every day to the space. So, earth would never get as bigger as sun instead it will get smaller by the time. Also, now you have learned that bigger doesn't mean always being better.

Thus, this is what would happen if earth was sun-sized but we luckily that it is not the case. Our gravity, our rotation and our very revolution is at a suitable position only because of our appropriate size. 

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